Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Emma Grace starts Pre school next week

This evening we went to Beaver Ridge UMC where Emma Grace will be attending Pre School for the first time. It is hard to believe that my "baby" is now three years old and in Pre School. Next Tuesday is her first day. Every time I hear this song "In my arms" on the radio, I think of her. I dread the hard times that she will face in this world and pray everyday that my children will grow up trusting in and loving the Lord. I love the verse ~ I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 111 John 4.
~It is so hard to let my baby grow up.


AllTheHayes said...

I totally agree..I just sent Jackson to kindergarten and Micah is in 2nd grade this year. I am having a hard time with the growth process. Emily will go to preschool next week. I feel your pain.

Leslie Kosinski said...

I am feeling it too. But you are so right, knowing they are walking in the truth is such a comfort. I have reminded Ali every day that she can stop and pray at anytime for comfort and strength. (reminding myself too) I got tears in my eyes this morning just seeing another little boy crying for his mother. It's so pitiful they have to get out there and make it on their own...

Emily said...

Sounds like Emma Grace will have a wonderful time. And how awesome that her teacher is your friend and someone she knows. It's hard letting our little girls spread their wings and fly. Lily starts next week. I'm excited for her, I expect it to be a big transition, but one that she needs right now. Best of luck to Emma and you!

Hillbilly Rockin' Robin said...

Enjoy that song too. Time goes too fast!