Sunday, September 14, 2008

Emma Grace's 1st trip to the ER...

Emma Grace had an accident last night. She was sliding down the slide and somehow landed on her chin. John & I were both in the backyard with her, but didn't see it when it happened. She came running to us with a mouth FULL of blood. There was so much blood we couldn't figure out where it was coming from. John carried her in the house where we then discovered that she was missing one of her front teeth!!!! We also discovered that she had a gash under her chin. (I was almost panicked at this point). We rushed her to Children's Hospital. On the way to the hospital I called as many of my prayer warrior friends that I could find in my phones address book. Fortunately, we were taken right back to a room after triage. When the doctor examined her, she said that the tooth could NOT be saved, because of a risk of infection. She got 3 stitches under her chin and was such a trooper. The doctor and nurses were just awesome with her. After they finished with her stitches, she asked to look in the mirror. (There was one already in the room) . She asked them if they were going to put her tooth back in now. My heart just ached. I could feel the hot tears filling up in my eyes - I had tried sooooo hard not to cry in front of my baby girl. She has had a rough week, giving up her paci just 3 days prior to this. I am just trying to think of the positives - at least it was only one tooth, it was just a BABY tooth & it could have been worse. God took care of her (and us too!)
Thanks to everyone for the prayers, I know that's what got us through this scary evening.


Jill said...

Oh Cindy...I'm so sorry you all had to go through all this. It sounds like Emma Grace was a real tropper. Braden got his stitches right after he had given up his binky too and I was SO tempted to give it right back. He did fine though and never even asked for it. I'll be praying for you all as you ALL recover! :-)

Emily said...

Poor little Emma Grace. That's so horrible. I will pray for her and for you guys. I know you must have been horrified to see her like that. My mommy's heart aches for you.

Anonymous said...

Cindy, I am so glad Emma Grace is doing ok. Give her a hug from us. I know your heart must have been breaking to see your child like that. I'll be praying for you all.

Alison said...

Bless her little heart! I know that was so scary for you both Cindy~ONe time Cassidy accidentaly threw a hairbrush right at Catherine's forehead! She had blood everywhere and we had to rush to Childrens. She had to get stitches. They are SO wonderful to tell them what they are going to do in the E.R so in their little minds they understand. You are right~it could have been worse and it was a baby tooth. I'll be praying! I know it had to be hard not to give the paci back but it will be ok...we went through the same thing with Cassidy when she was 4. Take care and Im so glad she is ok!

Candace said...

whitney's daughter, Claudia lost a tooth with a fall. Now, I can't imagine her WITH that tooth. It adds "character" I told her. She just smiled. Didn't know what it means, so I told her it made her look extra beautiful and different! She loves her cool look now....

Ashley Jessie said...

Give Emma Grace a big hug for us. What a rough week for you all! Emma Grace is on my prayer list for this week.

Mike said...

We are so sorry! Emma (and family) are in our prayers. Janet and family