Tuesday, December 23, 2008

our "most special" Manger scene...

We have several manger scenes that we get out every Christmas. We have the "breakable ones" that haven't been out for the past 3 years, b/c of Emma Grace, the Fischer Price one that the kids play with - throughout the year, etc.. But THIS one is our most SPECIAL Nativity scene. It was bought in 1965 by Mamaw - for John's 1st Christmas. He remembers setting it up when he was a little boy. It is now a family Heirloom. Morgan & Andrew have always taken such care while getting it out of the box every year. Emma Grace is still a little rough with it though. She was playing with it one day this week and broke Joseph's head off. We had to super glue it back before daddy came home from work. :(

1 comment:

Kristy said...

We had one just like that when I was growing up. Joseph's head didn't last through the three of us either.